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Access Montana participates in the Universal Service Fund program which offers reduced rates to low-income subscribers for basic telephone service.
The Lifeline Assistance Program provides a discount to low-income subscribers on the monthly basic service charge for dial tone. Access Montana’s local service receive even further discounts because our service area lies within the confines of the Flathead Indian Reservation
We Believe
- No one should be without a dial tone.
- Access to local emergency service and community resources is vital to all residents.
- For some, a local phone can be the difference between social connection and complete isolation.
Qualifying Programs
(you must be enrolled in one of the following)
- Medicaid
- BIA General Assistance
- Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Head Start (Income qualifying standard applies)
- National School Lunch Program (Free lunch only)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Income Based Eligibility

Income Based Eligibility

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300 Main Street SW | Ronan MT 59864
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300 Main Street SW | Ronan MT 59864
© Access Montana. All rights reserved.